Roger Woodham replies:'come' or 'go'? 'bring' or 'take'?

Whether we use go or come all has to do with perspective and position.


We use go to describe movement away from the place or position where the speaker or hearer is:


We use come to describe movement to the place where the speaker or hearer is:

go back, come back, return

The same rule applies with go back and come back, Andrzej, but you can use return for both come back and go back:

Note, however, that come with and not go with is normally used when we are talking about joining a movement of the speaker or hearer, even though the movement is away from their current place or position:

bring or take?

Note that the difference in use between bring and take is similar to that between come and go. We use take to describe movement away from the position of the speaker/hearer and bring to describe movement to the place where the speaker/hearer is, was or will be: